Course Modules
Please be aware that the course modules may be subject to change.
▸ Data Structures and Algorithms
▸ Design Patterns for Game Development
▸ In-depth Programming in C++
▸ Introduction to Programming in C++
▸ Linear algebra with a focus on 3D mathematics
▸ Software Architecture and Design Patterns
▸ Specialization and portfolio
▸ Game Scripting, Implementation and Design
▸ Applied Artificial Intelligence
▸ Applied Graphics Programming
▸ Applied Software Development
▸ Applied Network Programming
▸ Tools development
▸ Game project 1
▸ Game project 2
▸ Game project 3
▸ Game project 4
▸ Game project 5
▸ Game Project 6
▸ Game project 7
▸ Game project 8